Saturday, August 17, 2019

A Dream?

The soft soil squeezed through the holes in my boots as I stood upon the sorrowful shore. The day was wild the clouds dark and heavy, taunted me with the threat of rain. The trees blew from side to side like flags waving in the breeze. The ocean not to far from where I stood, was beating upon the shore with military precision bearing deep into my soul. The forest stretched away from me, as far as I could see taunting me to enter into its hidden safety†¦ away from it all†¦ away†¦ from what I had done. My mind now centering painfully on the memories that sent me running to this droned hollow place, realizing what I had done†¦ the true horror of it, turned my mind psychotic while jumbled and baffled thoughts overloaded my memory†¦ it was plain even to me, I just didn't want to believe it†¦ but it was real, it was true. I stood there contemplating what I had done, thinking of everything that would happen to me†¦ everything I lost the moment I did it, It made me sick, it made my heart skip beats, I collapsed onto the mud at the edge of the forest. I almost fainted right there†¦ I looked into the dark tangle of forest knowing what I had to do. The forest taunted me yet more†¦ seeming to watch me†¦ stare at me, almost waiting for me to enter so it could devour me†¦ destroy me. In the distance I could see a small dim light tear through the black velvet night inside the forest. I watched as it grew nearer†¦ swaying from side to side, my heart beat faster and faster my thought becoming more rampant and wild. The light almost upon me now, knowing I should run†¦ but I couldn't†¦ I simply couldn't†¦ I froze, I could not move nor breath. My legs throbbed with pain, my feet bursted with soars, my mind was to wild to let me move. Suddenly the light came upon me, there stood a heavy, sturdy, strong looking man. His presence sent a chill of awe through my spine. I could not make out a face, he wore a thick overcoat, his body was motionless†¦ not a twitch†¦ nothing, he held a simple flashlight in his hand and nothing in the other. Some questions arose in my mind to what he was doing here†¦ unarmed, almost seeming completely unprepared except for his flashlight. Suddenly realizing just how much I should run I sprang to my feet and shot into the forest as if it was my only way to live, I stumbled through the branches and twigs while they tore away at my clothes and face, the clouds without any warning burst out in rain, I was soaked in an instant yet still found the strength to run on. I ran for what felt like an eternity, I turned to look if the man was behind me†¦ there was nothing†¦ not a glint of light†¦ nothing, just the sound of the rain beating down on the trees, hanging spindly on the leaves before dropping to the ground. I stared, wondering if the man had even attempted to chase after me†¦ after all, if he did he wouldn't have given up like that†¦ he would have at least stopped and looked for me with his flashlight†¦ but there was nothing. I laid there on the ground for a few moments to catch my breath, and turned to run again, as I stood to start running there he was†¦ the very same man†¦ with the very same light, in the very same clothes†¦ I felt a sharp pain of terror like a bullet ripping through my bones, I stood in silence for what seemed hours. The man raised his arm, flashlight in hand up to his face†¦ I screamed I almost fainted there but something inside me urged me to stay up. I could not believe who it was that stood before me†¦ I felt my blood freeze. I woke†¦ in my bed, with a cold sweat, I was tired, my legs ached. It was raining outside, the ocean waves still beat upon the shore with their same drone tune, I was sweating and out of breath. Was it real?†¦ or just a dream?

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